“La Distancia” is the story of a robbery that combines suspense with science fiction, using touches of surreal humour to reach an intriguing and subversive film commitment.
Vasiliy Lébedev was a young peasant from Crimea who decided to go to Siberia to work in a coal mine. With his sense of opportunity, his lack of scruples and taking advantage of the endof Perestroika, he quickly landed a position at the helm of one of the most important Power Plants in Siberia. After the fall of the old USSR—and thanks to his own cunning—he became the sole owner of the Power Plant and of one of the largest coal deposits in Russia, amassing an immense fortune.
An introverted character and lover of the paranormal sciences, he travelled constantly, obsessed with finding clues about the existence of “UFOs” and portals to the “beyond”.
On one of his last trips to the US, he bought a performance by a German artist, the artist himself and his coyote (an indispensible part of the piece), only to then transport them secretly and illegally to Russia and lock them up in a warehouse outside his now defunct Power Plant in Siberia.
Scumeck: Michal Lagosz
Volkov: Alberto Martínez
Baranski: Jinson Efren Añazco
Guard: Roland Olbeter
Artist: Fx Vidi Vidal
Neighbour: Pere Celma
Man with Mallet / Vasiliy Lededev: Jordi Picazos
Guard 2: Pau Nubiola
Postman: Alberto Condón
Paramedic 1: Aurelio Sánchez
Paramedic 2: Javier Mateos
Sophie Las Vegas: Sophie Evans
Narrator: Olga Leontieva
Volkov: Oleg Alexandrovich
Baranski: Ilya Stekachev
Scumeck: Yury Mykhaylychenko
Guard: Eugenio Malm
Bucket: Hideki Matsuhisa
Man with Mallet: Alexander Korotkov
Artist: Fx Vidi Vidal
Written and directed: Sergio Caballero
Produced by: Sergio Caballero / Ibon Cormenzana
Cinematography: Marc Gómez del Moral
Film Editing: Martí Roca
Music: Pedro Alcalde / Sergio Caballero
Sound Design Supervisor: Pedro Alcalde
Art Director: Gaby García
Executive Production: Ventura Barba / Ignasi Estapé
Director Assistant: Pilar Tomás / Javier Mateos
2nd Director Assistant: Aurelio Sánchez
Production Coordinator: Sandra Tapia
Art Coordinator: Georgia Taglietti
Press dossier, releases, images and trailer available for download.
Please contact:
Geo Taglietti
AM Films Publicist